Yesterday after Liema and Yolanda received a strike from big brother, Yolanda and Els was having a deep conversation as Els was telling Yolanda her plans and things she want to do to Liema to get her one more strike so she can finally be evicted from the house. She further say that, is not that she hate Liema, she just want to bring some entertainment in her relationship with Jareed.
Yolanda agreed and said you must cause havoc. Yolanda had earlier said that anything that has to do with destroying her relationship with Jareed that she will be involved. Apparently it was Els that was busy plotting against Liema and Yolanda was obviously supporting.
Everything Els was saying Yolanda supported it. These girls are actually evil, this is a sign of jealousy, they are jealous of Liema and her relationship with Jareed. This is unfair. Seriously Liema should be very careful now.
Because what ever she does now, any mistake she does now will get her disqualified from big brother house. Let her trade carefully and choose her fight.
1 Comment
But this is huge plot to make someone get disqualified. BB must stop this before m9re people hurt. And she knows Liema has short temper. But God forbid it won’t happen.