Big Brother Mzansi house mates Liema and Mcjunior was live on Instagram few houses ago. They discussed about what happened in big brother’s house. They played a game while on live video. They really had fun. More than 5,000 people were watching the live video.
It was really an interesting live video. This friendship between Liema and Mcjunior didn’t start today. Mcjunior has always had little feelings for Liema just that Jareed spoiled everything for him. Liema fell for Jareed because of his Physical appearance.
At the end of the day it’s all game, unfortunately Jareed was evicted while Mcjunior took the 2, 000, 000 rand home. We are anticipating to see more of Liema and Mcjunior contents. Let’s see what they have for the viewers.
They might end up dating or just being friends. Macjunior had earlier said he’s shy being around Liema because of her beauty. We hope he get use to Liema.